Be Still

when our day is jammed-packed with stuff we need to do, we put the stuff that we want to do on hold until the stuff we need to do gets done. its a basic priority exercise. however, in those times when we are able to get to the stuff that we want to do most often times we never do them. well… we may do some of them, but rarely do i find that level of effeciency that was used for the stuff that we need to do to cross over to the stuff that we want to do. perhaps we aren’t meant to always function at such a high level all the time. so when the break comes we unconsciously decompress from all the stuff that we need to do and let the time just be.

i’m thankful that God built this need to decompress when He designed us and thus gave us the Sabbath for us to rest. so however crazy busy we are during the week there is the rhythm of a break day at the end of it. nice!

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